Sunday, October 17, 2010

Weekend Warriors

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Call of Duty masks
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Lock and Load!
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Jeremy stole some of my ammunition, lol literally
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well bitch it's combat time!
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ex-marine. Intimidating as shit, and if you didn't notice.. she went in their in a goddamn camisole and tights on. Too gutter. I guess paintballs don't compare to real bullets. I'm real glad we ended up on the same team.
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Fucking Ninjas. we were serious.
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s e r i o u s
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My Unit, Yeuh!
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me looking super weak.

Motherfuckers walked in there like the Expendables.. thought we were gonna shut shit down. I personally tried to Demi Moore-G.I Jane the situation, but I was so nervous ha. As soon as we started, I got off two shots, forgot to push back this thing on the gun (couldn't shoot anymore) and immediately got shot in the eye by Jeremy lol. I misunderstood one of the directions, did the direct opposite and it took me like 2 more rounds to actually figure out how to work my shotie.
Shit was too live. And scary! Even though it was just paintball, shit was nothing like the line of fire in the movies. At any time you pop up to shoot, your ass is just as vulnerable.

Luckily, my team had a good strategy and we were kickin major ass.. until this friendly group of white people offered to play against us. It's all fun and games, sure. But I believe we were set up.. because we were beginners and those guys were definitely experienced. They sniper shot the hell out of me. I mean one time, they took me out within the first 2 seconds. Instantly. BUT towards the end, a motherfucker was getting into it. Man, I started like running and sliding into positions! I did the whole army crawl and rollover things! Chole, the professional- said she was proud of me and it feels good to meet her approval lol..

Though, they still served all of our asses on a platter. Clockout. We all wanted a break after them.
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Here's an example of the bird shit looking, blood splatter feeling hits that were taken. Them balls flying 180mph, smh.
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Here's an example of an unprotected hit. Gosh, that had to hurt and that's definitely gonna look worse later. He was on the opposing team.
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And here's me.
I got shot a lot, but I was so angry when this one hit me! I got tagged in the arm-so I'm out. I waived my gun and threw my other hand up..yelled "I'm Out!". Surrendered, and started walking off the field when some motherfucker pegged me in the back. I got Ricky'd. Oh, I was so fucking pissed cause it hurt so badd. I'm glad we didn't get in trouble for cursing cause I started flailing my middle finger and throwing out bad words mad woman style.

Overall, it was a good time. But OVERALL it was not fun! ..was fighting for my life in there. Now, I reaaally can't imagine actually being in the service. craze.

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The aftermath smh, my main Battle Wound.
You know, it would be GREAT if I had someone to KISS IT and make it BETTER.

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