Sunday, August 29, 2010

CD's called 'the first day of school'. Made it on the first day of school. I needed a new mix for this long ass drive back in forth.

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So basically, I'm going to this expensive ass community college.

Cutting out the bullshit: Housing's stacked, and I refuse to be on a waiting list for a shit dorm. Last minute apartments are marked up on price, and hell, I can't afford them anyways. I'm commuting from my House. We're talking about a 30 minute drive to school monday-thursday. sucks.
oh, well. I'll be making it until I find a bff or bf to stay with in the area.
I mean it's more so a bummer because I need my own environment. My little habitat is the best way to put it. I need that bad. Put's me in a whole 'nother state of mind.
No roommates neither. I like to feel like I belong and comfortable walking around naked with just my chicago bulls beanie on. And the only way that can be assured is if I'm by myself.

But Spring '11 will come around. I'm set to move out then.
Meanwhile I'll be saving all that money that would've went to housing/apartments for a MAC. hopefully.

And the foods free here. so that's cool.

. . .

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