Sunday, February 6, 2011

Not this last Friday, but the one before.

We through a little photoshoot/shindigg that started off slow, but then got really fun! Tons of pictures were taken, but here are a few from the unedited batch (showcasing me of course)

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Out of like 20 pictures, there's only like 3 were all of us were actually ready-paying attention.
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Maggie and Candice came in that bitch with a bottle-starting the party and shit. Me looking extra tipsy with the typical hand gesture.
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Maggie and Candice ^^ ...we soon fell after this.
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just being silly. This is the 50% of the time when me and Blue get along great!

Jeremy should be just about done editing them and will post them on the within these next few days to come.



  1. lmao this is cute. Booty sittin proper.. looks like you've been doing lunges and squats or something, Morgan! DONKdonkDONK! I hate that word.

  2. nah man. I have fat thighs but these pics are deceiving

  3. Ballet is making me lose my thigh phat. -___- PHAT THIGHS=ASS are FTW lol
