Saturday, October 23, 2010

Yay vs Nay

Lot people, guysz especially.. black guysz, especially.. Get the most ridiculous stuff. And I know it's not my skin, do what you want..
I'm more so saying I have mucho respect for symbolic tattoos with originality.
And crafty work. Not Kitchen/Garage quality

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Imply what you want; no specific comment. I will say... me personally.. I consider neck/thigh tattoos instant fails. and stars are super cliche
I took this picture on the commuting bus to school one day.
Low key, I'm real scared Big Bertha is gonna find this and want my head on a stick.

On the other hand, here's Erika. She provides a simple, yet perfect example:
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"I've been in love with hip hop since I was 7. My ribcage is physically the closest place to my heart so I decided to put it there"

(This picture came out really cool, btw)



  1. I don’t understand why young women still get tattoos like that. You posted one before of this lady that had “5 star chick” all over her boobies, it was so bad, in so many ways. That radio over the rib cage is pretty cool though.

  2. I'll have to agree. If I see one more star, rose, or cursive letter I think I might just have to delete the entire black race from my memory book.
    not that other races dont get ghetto tats but I think we all know who takes the cake on shitty tattoos.


  3. I don't see too much fault in roses or cursive letters lol..

    but word, dudes. Niggas be trippin'
