Saturday, June 30, 2012

Controversial photo of Lindsay

This one and a few others got pulled off of Terry Richardson's site. I like the shots. Every photographer has their own style. Be it this was any other model/actress, it'd be okay. ah well


I fuck with 87% of XXYYXX's shit.

DMT by XXYYXX on Grooveshark Photobucket
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Anthony is funny

Friday, June 29, 2012

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Modeling with Oscar. Do y'all recognize how deep this is

Usually, a few days

serves as enough time to interpret my thoughts into some comprehensive explanation. I literally sit and dip in and out of sanity/insanity trying to wait out an understanding with myself. Patience with yourself is probably the most important thing you can wait on. Anyways, I've done that at least 5 times before. I plan out this extravagant explanation to get my point across.. I introduce it to twitter first and go on about a 3-5 tweet rant. That's when it kicks in that I shouldn't limit myself to 560 characters; this is the type of self-expression I need to be blogging. Shortly after that kicks in, I realize how not next to my laptop I am. After that, I get lazy and just wrench it out of my system later with a friend, perhaps.

I find it nearly impossible to explain myself, I usually just get very close. My thoughts always end up out of order and I have to spend an hour or so trying to sequence them again. That might be normal. The whole cliche of a blogger with reading glasses and a hot drink having an epiphany and writing out this exceptional - relatable blog post in 15 minutes might only work for Carrie Bradshaw. Maybe I just need to write more to get into the flow of things. Maybe I should just drink a tall glass of shut the fuck up.

It's 4:33 in the morning and it has roughly taken me two hours to write what I've said thus far.

I'm going to try and keep up with this though..I'm going to put more of an effort in it. I have been such a deep thinker lately. I've been so in touch with myself and the meaning of things, I want people to know what I think about. It may be as brief as a sentence or two. or as long as a novel. Probably not a novel. I'm mostly worried I may share too much where I subliminally start calling out people or exploiting drama. I'm sure I can handle it. So. That's what I have to say about that. I think I'll head to bed now. Thanks for your time.


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Appeals to my soul so much right now

Give Us The Wind by Future Islands on Grooveshark Photobucket

We set out to find something to hold
When seeking truth the answer is the road
When seeking wisdom the journey is your home
Fight through the wind, fight through the rain
Fight through the cold

We left ourselves behind on dancing wire
The loved ones we left back home will be our choir
Let the doubters be the stick, the thorn, the brier
Fight through the wind, fight through the rain
Dance in the fire

Don't bless me
No, don't bless me
We don't want your blessings
Don't bless me
We don't want your blessings

Give me the pen
Give me the sword
Let me cut away the darkness, and pin it to the wall
Let us sing a song of beauty as before
Give us the wind, give us the wind
Give us the storm

Goddamn Gypsy. Always on the move.

I have two bags that I pack all this shit in and just move from Irving to Denton to Dallas in whichever order. Summers in Denton are dry as fuck and my place is cold but humid. but why? My hair can't last it. And really, the On Demand option at my Mom and Sisters place is everything. Anywho this is me living out my car. I like to have options.

Photobucket Like fucking twenty pairs to the left ...however many shirts to the right Photobucket Delicates and stockings and socks Photobucket Belts and suspenders Photobucket Headwear Photobucket Not to mention Photobucket Prepared for physical activities as well Photobucket accessories. even Photobucket lastly Photobucket
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My boy Mustafa. Childhood friend of 13 years... it's tight that we can still hang. Also he just helped me out in a major way.

Happy belated to the most consistent man in my life

My Lucky dearest. sleeping ever so uncomfortably. I love you. Thanks for putting up with my mood swings. I've managed to forget your birthday for the last 12 years, always by a couple of days, but you are appreciated. Happy 13th birthday, baby.


My grandma wrote me

This is the most valuable thing I own. She is my religion.


Life Magazine has a sense of humor

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Glad they finally released this.

If you'll remember, they pulled the track from the Kickdrums mixtape because of label issues.. This joint will be on ASAP's next project dropping in september.

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