Thursday, December 29, 2011

I would've thought the sky was falling

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Birmingham, Alabama got treated to a special cloudy day, thanks to some Kelvin-Helmholtz waves, shown above. When a layer of faster moving fluid shears a slower moving fluid, this instability can form and cause some spectacular mixing. In this case, the lower, slower fluid was cool and moist enough to contain clouds, enabling us to see the effect with the naked eye. The same mechanism is responsible for the shape of breaking ocean waves and can even be seen in the atmospheres of gas giants like Saturn and Jupiter.

Ticket to Hell

So granted there is this place called Hell I could possibly end up in, I reckon I will.

true story: So a friend of mine's Mom's heart gave out or something and she was rushed to the hospital and due for potential surgery. and I had a conversation with God that day--a full frontal prayer--a proposition that if he gave my friend's mom good health again, I would no longer question his faith.

Present day, her moms doing fine and hating me more than ever, and I just wrote the following post. soO. I think going back on our deal is enough to save me a spot in Purgatory. Also, if her Mom falls ill again, I'm probably responsible.

Caution: Post on Religion

I remember... It was the summer before my senior year. My friend and I were having a conversation and it briefly but completely branched off on religion. And she was explaining to me how her boyfriend had put this and that in her head and it was beginning to make her question her faith/religion. I was still counted for as a christian at the time, and I remember feeling scared for her... like yo, you're christian too, snap out of it. Then she directed the questions to me such as---"Do you believe in God? why are you a christian?" My answer was yes and I scrambled together whatever supportive answer I could. She wasn't pushing me to look at things one way or another, but from that day forward, I have progressively removed myself further and further away from it all. It's all the same, how much you're influenced comes straight from how you parents or guardians raised you. Just like political views. People don't think as much for themselves as they think they do.

Besides the fact that the whole bible story (from what I've heard) seems pretty far-fetched.. I guess one of my main problems is with how religion is practiced. I just feel like people depend on, or use religion as too much of an excuse. My favorite example-which can be heavily exaggerated and still make perfect sense--perhaps someone studies for a test. gets a good grade on it. praises the Lord for the A they received. Yo, you did that. Jesus/God gets all the credentials when something goes really good or really wrong. I also don't believe in fate/destiny/everything happens for a reason. I believe you have to be a little bit more proactive to get things you want in life, and even when you do that, it's not guaranteed. Also, I don't believe God would hate anybody for loving someone else too immensely.

It actually surprises me how many people are religious.. but do not be mistaken, I don't frown upon it whatsoever. Believing in anything so passionately, be it obscene, is beautiful almost an artistic kind of way.

whatever. just make these decisions on your own, eh... I hope I haven't influenced anybody

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Mother Teresa

People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway. Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.

-minus the God. for me, anyways.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

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can't wait to see this Trent.
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side note: if you haven't seen her documentary... Left Eye was so real... love her

for sale/trade

My ex-boo Zach copped some heat the other day.. Mr. Cartoon forces

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miss him. anyways, I think he's selling the brown pride ones size 10.5 or 11. so holler at me.

This is about Hannah, not my hair. swag.

Thad be awesome if I was one of those girls that are just always pretty, but I'm not. This video isn't about me any how. I just want you to be minded that if I appear obnoxious, I was kind of drunk. I think we all were. And if you're curious how the night ended (since the video ended so abruptly), a few more friends came. we drank some more. Hannah had to start hugging the toilet, and then she passed out in my bed. super successful night. Didn't plan on giving her a new pair, but I don't regret it one bit. One time for Hannah. she's based as fuck

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Love my grandmother

not ready

don't mind my gimp

Christmas Wish list

It's a little too late for that, but I did one for kicks anyways. a Couple things I would've like to have this christmas--if money wasn't an issue.. just to name a few

Laurel Holloman original piece.. I want the big canvas joint in my life.. tight...

iPhone case since I've already cracked my phone. 89-250$



either one of these

I know it's cliche.. and I probably won't wear them after I cop like the others, but it would have been nice to scoop these just because. I think I'll just invest later when I get some extra cash.







I think the scarfs like 105$.. not sure the beanies